Yannick Loeck
Yannick Loeck (M.Sc.)
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Mail: yannick.loeck@tuhh.deTelefon: +49 40 42878 2611
Adresse: Am Schwarzenberg 3 (E), 4.072
Personensuche: Zum Eintrag
Teaching and Courses
Evaluation and Refinement of an Explicit Virtual-Memory Primitive -
IEEE Access112023.
10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3338149 [BibTex]
Virtual-Memory Assisted Buffer Management -
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD/PODS International Conference on Management of DataACM2023.
PDF 10.1145/3588687 [BibTex]
SailFAIL: Model-Derived Simulation-Assisted ISA-Level Fault-Injection Platforms -
41st International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security (SAFECOMP 2022)Springer-Verlag2022.
PDF Slides 10.1007/978-3-031-14835-4_14 [BibTex]
Supervised Theses🔗
Current Theses Topics
A Benchmark Description Language for Memory-Allocation Workloads
Typ: Bachelorarbeit
Status: reserviert
Supervisors: Yannick Loeck
Project: ParPerOS
Create the base for the VMStress Benchmark Generator with a language that describes benchmark execution patterns.
Status: reserviert
Supervisors: Yannick Loeck
Project: ParPerOS
Create the base for the VMStress Benchmark Generator with a language that describes benchmark execution patterns.
Integrating a new Bilateral User-Kernel Allocator into jemalloc
Typ: Forschungsprojekt
Status: reserviert
Supervisors: Yannick Loeck
Project: ParPerOS
Integrate the LLFree page frame allocator as a backend into jemalloc.
Status: reserviert
Supervisors: Yannick Loeck
Project: ParPerOS
Integrate the LLFree page frame allocator as a backend into jemalloc.
Making an Explicit Virtual-Memory Abstraction Device-Accessible through Fixed IOMMU Mappings
Typ: Masterarbeit
Status: laufend
Supervisors: Yannick Loeck, Christian Dietrich
Project: ParPerOS
Interact with the IO-MMU through fixed buffers within an in-kernel memory pool abstraction.
Status: laufend
Supervisors: Yannick Loeck, Christian Dietrich
Project: ParPerOS
Interact with the IO-MMU through fixed buffers within an in-kernel memory pool abstraction.
Finished Student Theses
Implementing CPU-Local Free-Page Management for an Explicit Virtual-Memory Interface in Linux
Typ: Bachelor-/Masterarbeit
Status: abgeschlossen
Supervisors: Yannick Loeck, Christian Dietrich
Rework the distribution strategy for memory pages in exmap, a new OS interface for explicit Memory-Mapped File I/O.
Status: abgeschlossen
Supervisors: Yannick Loeck, Christian Dietrich
Rework the distribution strategy for memory pages in exmap, a new OS interface for explicit Memory-Mapped File I/O.