Seminar: System-Call Advent Calendar

Course Type: Seminar
Semester: Summer
Supervisor: Niklas Gollenstede
Details: see Stud.IP
Creditpoints: BS: 2 / MS: 3


Last Year, our "System-Call Advent Calendar" was a great success! For every day of December, we had one practical programming exercise in relation to one Linux system call or one concept of Linux. For each door, there was an article, an exercise, and a prepared and commented solution.

However, as you your budget in December might have been tight to work through all tasks. This seminar gives you the time and the credits for this. You will work on existing exercises and propose new ones. By presenting those concepts to your fellow students, you will have further the possibility to practice your presentation skills.

Anmeldung und weitere Infos

Für diese Veranstaltung ist eine Online-Anmeldung über Stud.IP erforderlich. Bitte registrieren Sie sich (falls noch nicht geschehen) für Stud.IP und tragen Sie sich dort in die entsprechende Veranstaltung ein.